!ReTigma Studio
!ReTigma simply means "Make the World simple again."
presents its 'Daily' Sub-Branches
Reality Question
Quota: Card
Prescription: Smille
and its 'Weekly' Sub-Branches
Monday Scene
Friday Edit
Cinematic Sunday
Moonlight Poem
Frinight Chapter
Saturday Letter
Tutorial Tuesday
Wisdom Wednesday
Tips Thursday
Funny Thursnight
Saturnight Memes
Sundown Story

Branches OverView

'Daily' Sub-Branches
'Daily' Sub-Branches
STJE: The Movie Part I(Film)
When I'm Old(Film)
STJE: The Movie Part II(soon)
An album of captured skies.
Question Anything and Everything.
Fool Era(anthology)
Fool Period(anthology)
Self Rule(soon)
STJE: The Real Thrill(soon)
medley of Quotes
Smile—with a great reason.
'Weekly' Sub-Branches
'Weekly' Sub-Branches

I created the word "ReTigma" using the word "Enigma," which means "mysterious or difficult to understand," with the prefix "re," which means "again" or "again and again. The word "enigma" with the prefix "re" was mixed, and the result would be ReNigma. I changed the "N" to "T." Then ReTigma means to make the world mysterious or difficult to understand. But then, with the use of "! ", in programing it means "no" or "not." The full meaning will be "Let's make the world less mysterious or difficult to understand. We, together, could make the world better and more interesting once again. In summary, !ReTigma simply means "Make the world simple again."

With the use of the exlamation mark. The !RTS means that do not rest; there's no tomorrow to work for; and the most important thing is that do not stop on your dream or work.

RTS, means "R" for "rest," "T" for "tomorrow," and especially "S" for "stop."
Why do I want to make the world simple again? Because I want to. Who doesn't want the world to be simple? No more struggle, no more hunger, no more poverty, no more discrimination, no more racist, no more depression, no more mourning, no more fighting, no more war, no more dying. I want to experience the prelude of heaven on earth.
!RTCapture a branch of !ReTigma Studio mean less myterious CapTure or more simple films. Same for the other branches. !RTGratify means less complicated way of giving entertainment. !RTLittera means simple letters to share.
Rav Martin G. Maniti.
The founder, owner, and CEO of !ReTigma Studio, which was founded on February 1, 2023, when I was only 13 years old.
I released my first game when I was 14, which I had created when I was 13.