

Rav Maniti

medley of Quotes


Introduction page 1

Various Quotes page 3




To the World



          These quotes I created came from my perspective on my daily life. What did I notice, or what did I learn from this day? I want to learn, and I thought that you wanted to learn too. I want to share these quotes with those people who want to learn it. If someone is forced to learn, he'll never learn. Maybe you want to learn something, but you can't learn or master it; it is because you're learning the wrong thing. These quotes are universal. I may learn from love, noticing about helping someone. There are no specific genres for this book.

          On every quote, there will be a Four-Sentence Explanation. This is a guide  that will assist you in learning from these quotes effectively. Let's say you can't understand the quote, but you understand the FSE. If you don't understand both the quote and FSE, do not bother; the genre of the quote isn't for you to learn. You must first learn at least one genre, then you can learn your second desired genre.

          I will update this book every page, every four days. I'll be posting Quota cards on every social platform !RTI have. I posted the quotes 1-110 with a sunset or beautiful skies, taken from my first phone I got from 2021. But from quote 111 and so on, there will be no more sunsets or skies with it. In this book, I'll be focusing on InSights rather than CapTure.

          This sub-branch may branch of !RTLittera, but it's more on InSights. I am very young by this time. But I want to learn everything; I haven't mastered any genre by now, but I'm almost finished with one. Failure, I'm getting closer to finishing failure. Mastering failure doesn't mean you'll not fail again; rather, it helps not to fail again and again. After failing once, your chance of failing again is less than 50% if you learned from it. The more fail, the less chance of failing again. Sometimes you must fail to learn. But most of the time, someone already failed for you; now you can learn from his mistake.

          Let me give an example of my way of teaching. These two following quotes are my favorites.

          "'I didn't fail, I just found 10,000 ways that won't work.' from Thomas Edison" the quote. then,


          The FSE: "Nobody fails. They just find a dead end to a work, and then you need to go back from where you started. But do not go again with the same mindset as you were when you first started. Learn not to go back from dead ends; going back and forth may not be harmful, but it will waste tons of your time."
          Last example. Quote "'Love is just a word until someone comes around and gives it meaning.' by Paulo Coelho."
          The FSE being "Love is nothing till someone learn to love, and loved someone. I personally never experienced love from a girl, but experienced it from a woman, my mother. I am the eldest, until I didn't come to this world my mother probably don't know how to take care a baby or love him. Until you don't experience something you wouldn't understand it's meaning."
          These quotes may have the same lesson, and still, the same people still have the same mindset; they do not learn from what is around them. Learn how to learn. You will never learn if you don't want to.
         I don't want you to memorize these quotes; I just want you to learn their meanings. It's the lesson that counts, the wisdom you gained. I also want you to share these quotes, these insights, with others, and you'll also gain power through them. Remember: there is so much, very much, to learn; mastering one art is much better than only knowing the average of every art. Once you mastered the art you want, find another. You also need to use what you've learned; otherwise, you just waste your time and waste such knowledge. Like when working out, after the set on biceps, the next set could be your legs. After you've mastered your body, you have to show it or audition on Mr. Olympian. Because without challenge, you'll never lose, and if so, you'll never know what is there to improve. You can't judge yourself; of course you'll always win.
          Lastly, I may recreate or take a quote from others. If you notice I got one, email me at retigmascontact@gmail.com to add a citation to it. And, I am sure that the FSE are mine. The quotes come only from what I learn from the day. I will not plagiarize. I want you to learn from these quotes, and please do. "What the world needs is someone who wants to live it. The world is there for those who want to experience it." by Rav Maniti, me.

Day #3

"When you start, doing it wrong is better than planning it precisely."

"Be consistent."

"Keep going."

Day #1

Day #4

"If God is the only one you have, He’ll be the only one you need."


'Such a universal quote. After you fail, keep going; after you lose, keep going; after you win, keep going. Always have a second goal after you achieve your first goal. Never stop achieving.'

Day #2

'Able to wake up everyday is already being consistent. Being consistent doesn't always mean doing it every day. Being consistent every second is what makes an hour of consistency, then do that every day. Every second counts; it is what makes 10,000 hours of work.'

'All you need is God. Even if you're poor all you need is God. Live through his words, and you'll live forever. You can do anything, with him nothing is impossible.'

'Planning it precisely is such a drag. You have no wrongs to correct; you have no reference if you're doing the right thing. If failing isn't your strength, then simply plan generally. Planning is like predicting what will happen next, and when you're doing it wrong purposely, you'll know the thing you should avoid.'

Day #7

"Don't wait for opportunities, create them."

"Dreams really do come true, So stop dreaming."

"Do you just want it or Do you want to have it."

Day #5

Day #8

"Turn your dreams into imaginations, your imaginations into thoughts, your thoughts into ideas, and your ideas into actions. Just Start."


'Wanting for something will not be given to you at all. You must do something to have it. Wanting to have it is what makes the difference. As a child, I just wanted a toy; today I want to have an action figure.'

Day #6

'Stop sleeping, and do the dream. Stop dreaming, stop fantasizing; rather, make them come true. Stop being lazy. Do the work that you need to do to make your dreams come true.'

'Every great work has a beginning and reason. If you have a dream, look for a reason why it should come true. But if you can't find one single reason, it's not for you. The most critical part is when you turn your ideas into actions.'

'Waiting for opportunities will take you forever. To create opportunities, you must seek them. Do something different, and they will be summoned. Let's say you're looking for a job; don't just look in one place; instead, go into another place, and then eventually you'll find one.'

Day #11

"Don't be different, Be yourself. For God alone made you unique."

"Do the process, you'll have progress."

"All you need to do is Start."

Day #9

Day #12

"Be patient and impatient at the same time to success."


'If you do not even start, you'll never finish. Even if you fail, at least you've started. Even by just reading a single page of book. Now that you've started it, you must finish it.'

Day #10

'To be progressive, be processive. Process fuels your progress, and if you fail, you must change the process. It may be the wrong gasoline. Others trust their process; others do theirs and improve it.'

'Being impatient means that you must do it early. Not waiting for someone to do it for you. Be patient, for it takes time. But now that you've started early, success is on its way.'

'God alone created you unique. Just be yourself; even the people who hate you are unique from each other. We are not different from each other; no one is greater than the other. You have your own talents, your own version of success, but few knows how to use them; that's why they are greater than you.'

Day #15

"The World is Yours—Live."

"If you can't do it, then don't do it. But you're helping the one who can't do it but is still trying."

"Be careful, for sometimes being too disciplined is just being lazy."

Day #13

Day #16



'Sometimes you think you’re so disciplined, but actually it’s laziness. You say to yourself, I will not do anything but this work only. It should be I will do anything to make this work done. For example, you’re trying to sleep but it’s noisy outside and not doing anything from that is just being lazy.'

Day #14

'It is better to give up sometimes and let someone succeed instead of you. It just means that work isn’t for you. There is nothing wrong in trying all the work. But doing one work again and again, then failing over and over again, and you still don’t change, it is the worst obsession.'

'In whatever you want to pursue, starting will always be the hardest thing. It’s hard because you’re new with it; you haven’t experienced it before. Everything has an introduction page, and we use it to make the story easy to understand. Remember and note that planning isn’t part of starting.'

'The world was simply created for you to live in it. Do not just exist; live your life. The world is there for those who want to live it. Experience everything the world has to offer.'

Day #19

"Isaiah 60:22 says "At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen." But that right time is the time you start. God will give you opportunities."

"They say sunset is the end of the day, but a sunset never truly ends."

"God has planned for all of us to be successful. But many people give up, and worse, some don’t even start. No matter what, we’re all meant to succeed."

Day #17

Day #20

"If you don't do it, somebody else will. If you do it, somebody else will."


'God has a plan for all of us. We have our own versions of success. No matter what will happen, God's will be done. Even before the creation began, God already had success in your hands forever.'

Day #18

'Can’t you notice that sunsets don’t really end? The earth is just rotating through the sun. Do not end your dream. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose; there are times that the game isn’t for you.'

'Someone else can do the work, but not for you, but for himself. Don’t do the work, and there will be fewer competitors. It is much easier to succeed nowadays. Many people already gave up.'

'The right time to have it is when you learn how to use it. God will provide you opportunities that you need to take. Waiting for the right time without work is such a waste of time. God has a plan to prosper you; you just need to do it.'

Day #23

"Great! You failed again—make sure you fail better."

"If life is easy then why did you gave up?"

"Everything you see now was once just someone’s imagination."

Day #21

Day #24

"Don't worry, For the Lord has a great plan for you."


'Now that you’ve imagined it, you have to make it a reality. No one else will believe your imagination but yourself; you’re the only one that can see it and make it into reality. Today, January 15, 2025, I am writing this book while the teacher is saying nonsense, and then when I’m home, I’ll update the website as an online book. But I can already imagine it in a printed, published book. Your imagination is your reference through reality.'

Day #22

'Let me rephrase the question: If life was hard, then why didn’t you give up? Life is very easy when you know how to live. Only give up when it’s done. When life will be forever easy.'

'You can ask for everything from God, but few will not happen. Because there’s already a plan that has been set for you. Only God knows what is great for you. So having a plan for yourself may seem useless.'

'Learn to fail better. Able to fail better is like having a painkiller. You’ll not be able to feel failure. After you fail, you must learn.'

Day #27

"Make your habits be your career."

"It's not about talent or skill; it's about the will to do it."

"If you can't, Let God."

Day #25

Day #28

"Nothing is greater than God and his love to us."


'I can’t count the days that I’ve wanted to give up. Then I decided just to give up all at once, so I will not suffer anymore. I gave up my life to God. I let God control me, use me, and prosper me.'

Day #26

'Wanting it obsessively will boost you to do it. I just didn’t want to eat; I also wanted to be full. Everybody can be successful, but only a few really want to be successful. Have the will to do it; have such reason.'

'Such a quote. You do not need an FSE.'

'Everybody has a habit, that something is easier for you to do while other finds it hard. Do what is easier for than the other and you’ll surely succeed. Outwork others with your habits. Career can be anything, I can consider sleeping as a career.'

Day #31

"Everyday is your birthday."

"Your always next step is to do it."

"Winning doesn't always happen at the end of the race. Sometimes it happens when you start doing it."

Day #29

Day #32

"Fail, Learn, Fail More, Learn More, Fail Better, Learn Better."


'Being able to start a workout is already a win. Training is the real competition for winning. Championship is just getting the reward. Start winning, don’t be a loser.'

Day #30

'The only way to succeed is to do it. Your next step to succeeding is to do it. Plan every step, then do it. Waiting for something is like hoping the remote will be at your hand without reaching for it.'

'To be better you must fail. And after you fail, you must learn from it. Now that you’ve experienced failure, I’m sure you don’t want to experience it again. Fail to learn.'

'Every morning you wake is like being born again. Today is different from yesterday. But never forget the past, for it will help you, guide you to live for today. You have a new day to live on. Another new life, and you must celebrate it every day.'

Day #35

"Give anything you want, but never give up."

"Every sunset is different, so are you. Sunsets don’t end, so don’t you."

"Do it to yourself, Do it by yourself, Do it for yourself."

Day #33

Day #36

"In order to walk, you just need to take your first step."


'Sometimes all you need is to have time for yourself. Do something that you’re the only one who will benefit. There is no greater feeling than just wondering. Do it yourself first before you can share with anyone.'

Day #34

'Even the sun stays the same. What makes the sunset changes is its environment. The clouds and the water vapor change the sunset. Beware: your environment may also change you.'

'A book can only be read when you open the cover. A day can start by just opening your eyes. Everything has a beginning. You must start before you can even finish.'

'You can give everything you want except one; you must not give up. Being able to rise again even if you don’t want to is not giving up. When you can guarantee that the work is for you. You must never give up.'

Day #39

"The purpose of life is to give life purpose."

"Few have dreams, Many are dreaming."

"That one day, could be tomorrow."

Day #37

Day #40

"Path to success is the loneliest chapter of your life."


'If you just started, success may not be tomorrow. If you’ll just do it every. That one day that you're dreaming of is getting closer. Expect it, and it will surely come.'

Day #38

'Every day gets easier because you learned from yesterday. And especially because there are fewer competitors. Many are just dreaming of being successful, worse when they are sleeping, dreaming. Few have dreams, and does it every day to become true.'

'While you’re in this chapter, no one will help or comfort you. Embrace loneliness. While I’m writing this book, nobody cares; I’m just minding my own book. Being lonely teaches me that I can learn more.'

'You have a purpose, which is to give life its purpose. Motivate, inspire, and influence everyone to live, to experience life. Help them to give life purpose. Better if you can improve the purpose of life.'

Day #43

"Imagination is the evidence of things unseen."

"Be grateful but never contented."

"Losers are the one who doesn't try at all."

Day #41

Day #44

"Giving up is better than not starting at all, but worse than keep going."


'Everyone needs to fight to win or learn. If you do not even practice or use your talent, you’re a loser. It is better to lose in a fight than watch the fighters. It is better to learn than nothing at all. Trying to win and then lose is a win.'

Day #42

'Being contented is like giving up. You don’t want to dream anymore because you're satisfied. Be grateful because you did it. After thanking, ask for another.'

'Making progress and failing are both better than doing nothing at all. Those people watch people who are changing the world. Being afraid that you’ll catch up or moving too slowly? Moving slowly is still making progress; it is better than standing still.'

'Your imagination is only yours. Don’t share it; rather, share the reality. If you showed it too early, they can remove it from you. God has a plan for you, and it's showing through your imagination.'

Day #47

"Ninety-nine percent of the time nobody cares but you."

"Everything takes time, let it bake, let it cook, let it ferment."

"Get control of your mind."

Day #45

Day #48

"Dreams without work are nothing."


'Gaining control of your mind is the greatest. Nothing is impossible if you did that. You can do anything; no one can stop you. You become unstoppable.'

Day #46

'When you want to buy something from a store but you’re in your house, you must first drive maybe an hour, and then you find the item you want. Then you go to the counter, and it has a long line, so you wait, then it’s your turn, then you finally buy it, then you’re on your way home, then there’s traffic again, and finally you can use it at home. Consider that I didn’t include how to get the things that you need to buy. Even when you’re already experiencing pleasure, it still takes time.'

'You must live through your dreams. Without work, without doing anything to get it done, then the dream isn’t even a dream. They are nothing but a wish. Dreams come true, but wishes will never.'

'The remaining 1% is yourself, you must take care of yourself. Do something different, and they won’t even care. Do something great, and people will come to you and care about you. When you start, take care of yourself, for zero percent cannot be multiplied.'

Day #51

"You have only one life and if you live it right, one is enough."

"Every time you wake up, it means there's still something you need to do. God still has a plan for you."

Day #49

Day #52

"You have not because you ask not."


'Be careful who you tell your ideas to. They can change it; they can even destroy it. But others may enhance it, support it. Do not let yourself die with great ideas never told.'

Day #50

'God’s plan will never fail. Even if you were bad, turn around and be yourself with God. His plan for you will never fade away. You were destined for that plan; you just need to follow it.'

'God already knows what is great for you. Asking anything from God is still important. You can ask everything from God. And at the right time, you can have everything.'

'How great is it to live? Living is experiencing life. And experiencing it once is enough. After all, we're just going to be in one place, experiencing another life, an eternal life in heaven.'

"Have so many Ideas to tell and have so many friends who listens."

Day #55

"You don't only live once, you only die once, everyday you live."

"The biggest mistake you could ever make is not knowing your next step."

"The real you is what you do when your alone, when no one sees you."

Day #53

Day #56

"If you can control yourself, your unstoppable."


'Stop pretending to be someone that isn’t you. Be real with yourself. When you’re with anyone and when you’re all alone may have a massive difference. If you like singing by yourself in the bathroom, sing through the whole house.'

Day #54

'It can take an hour of no progress. Do not let yourself do this. It will waste such time. Always plan your next step.'

'Once you gain control of yourself, you become invincible. You can be inevitable; you can do anything. They may hate you, but they can’t ignore you. Because you’re doing something different that they can’t do.'

'Live each day, not forgetting the past but rather learning from it. Waking up means that there's still something for you to do. Experience life; live it every day. Look for a reason to live.'

Day #59

"If your not changing it, you love it."

"The greatest achievement you can attain is gaining control over yourself."

"Sometimes your in a dark place, you think you've been buried but actually you've been planted."

Day #57

Day #60

"If you have time to worry, then you have a time to prepare."


'To sprout, you need to be planted. When throwing a rock, you need momentum; by placing your hand at the back, then pushing it hard, you throw it far. But the throw is a very slow process; by this time you may still be looking for a rock or plant to sprout, or you can be at the farthest back, being different from others. Be planted and make sure to sprout; don’t forget to drink water.'

Day #58

'You can only achieve this by waking up. You need to know that what you're doing is wrong. Not pretending anymore to be someone. Achieve this and you can do anything; no one will and can stop you.'

'Worrying and preparing from something is expecting something. If you’re not worrying anymore, it means that you’re confident enough not to think too much from that situation. And worrying is good; it causes you to prepare. But worrying too much is dangerous, for it reminds you that you
didn’t do the thing that you should do.'

'This is a simple quote. If you’re not changing how you look, it means you love how you look. If you changed something, it means you’re not loving it. Don’t change yourself; rather, improve it.'

Day #63

"If you don’t do something that needs to be done, and you know exactly how to do it, you have a real problem."

"If you find a problem, you can find the solution; and if you create a problem, you can create a solution."

"Do not worry for moving slowly, but worry when you're just standing still."

Day #61

Day #64

"Counting to a million may get dull after the first hour, but each second brings you closer."


'Be worried for those who are dreaming. But, be more worried of those who are doing their dreams. Nothing is much progress for those people who are already doing their dreams. The progress may seem slow, but it is still making progress.'

Day #62

'If you found a problem, the solution is there to find. But, when created a problem, it's much easier for you to solve; you know more than anyone else the problem. To find a solution you must first fully understand the problem. And create yourself a long-lasting solution, for repeating the same solution is such a waste of time.'

'It’s boring to do the same thing every day. Yes, you’re consistent, but are you making progress? Counting 1 every day will not reach you to 1 million; even 1 million years has passed. The process is only boring when you’re not making any progress.'

'Not doing what you want, need, must, and can do is a real problem. This problem is the most dangerous. Start by just doing what you must and can do, and the rest will follow. Solve this immediately.'

Day #67

"Even though sometimes the process is very slow, but it gets you closer to your goal."

"The best shortcut you can take is to do it consistently every day and night, without resting."

"Every rest you take it's like a pause to your success."

Day #65

Day #68

"Be disciplined enough that you're getting distracted by yourself growing."


'It’s like this: when you’re eating, you’re doing the work, and then drinking water is resting. Every time you’re eating, you’re making progress, but you also need to drink water to help you digest. But it is better to drink at the end of the meal; you’ll be more satisfied. Do not pause when you're already doing it.'

Day #66

'The best way and the shortest way to success is consistently doing it. Not resting, no other paths to take. Take the shortcut and succeed early. While others waste their 20 years, you already succeed in 20 years.'

'Do so much progress that you’re getting stopped by yourself. This is great; you’re noticing yourself making progress. Do not stop yourself from succeeding. Discipline yourself, and notice that you’re making progress and be motivated by it.'

'When the process is slow, it’s the best time to trust the process. Otherwise, you will be bored and lose interest with it. Even if the process is slow, and you know that you will succeed and still do it, eventually you’re going to succeed. Sometimes all you need is trust and patience.'

Day #71

"The people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do."

"Use your emotions to guide your decisions, not to control them."

"It is impossible to start big."

Day #69

Day #72

"You are the boss, Never listen to your body."


'Everything has started small. Like this book, this just started from my neuron. I just imagined this, and then soon it will be in every household. Being the most influential book.'

Day #70

'Get control of yourself. Do not be misled by your own emotions. Being happy in a situation is different from how you think when you’re sad. Let yourself decide what you really want, not what your emotion wants.'

'Gain control. Never listen to anyone, not even to your body. Most people only work when they are feeling it, but few people work anytime; having a headache or muscle soreness, they still work. Tell your body that it's just pain; it will soon pass. After that, don’t talk back; do not listen.'

'This quote is very real. People who believe in themselves are the most successful people. You just need to have faith in yourself. You need to believe yourself that you can do it.'

Day #75

"If your wants makes you happy, let them be your needs."

"The second worst thing that can happen at work is not knowing what to do next."

"The worst thing that can happen at work is not knowing what you're doing."

Day #73

Day #76

"If you don't know to why, how, what to start, you'll never finish."


'Without knowing what, why, or how you’re doing, you’ll never finish. You must have a goal. You must know how you’re going to do it and why you’re gonna do it. You can do anything if you only know what you’re doing.'

Day #74

'Not knowing what to do next can lead to a very long hibernation. Every time you’re going to make a goal, make sure to plan it till the end, until you achieve it. Otherwise, you will be stuck. Planning must come before the work, not during the work; it will waste your time. The training may be easy if you know what the next set is.'

'Without a goal, you’ll never start. Without reason you’ll be stuck. Without progress, you’ll never finish. In every work you do, you must first answer these questions.'

All you need is to be happy. To really live, you just need to be happy. Nothing can be compared to a man that is so happy. Do everything it takes just to make yourself happy forever.

Day #79

"A goal that's not written down is just a wish."

"Life doesn't get easy; you're just getting stronger from experiencing of life."

"You must lose first before you win, and it's been like that since the day of creation. God loses Adam and Eve, but now he won you."

Day #77

Day #80

"You must experience failure before you can be good at something."


"Before you can learn, you must first fail. Likewise, in order to win, you must first lose. After losing may not guarantee that you’ll win in the next fight, but the guarantee of winning is there. Learn how to lose."

Day #78

'Through experience you learn. Starters find it hard while the experience finds it easy. Life will never be easy nor hard. The old generation and the new generation have the same level of difficulties. But through living, through experience, we are getting stronger.'

'In order to be better, you must first experience mistakes and rejections. Failing will always be learning. No matter how experienced you are, you will still fail. Everybody fails, not only you.'

'Wishing is useless; don’t waste your time on wishing. It’s better to hope than to wish. Write down your goals, and through time it will happen. Time is through process.'

Day #83

"If you have a great Idea, you either execute it or let it die."

"You, never existed before, and will never exist again."

"Never forget your mistakes for they will remind you not to do them again."

Day #81

Day #84

"Graveyard is the riches place on earth, Ideas never executed, dreams never became true."


'Forgetting your mistakes is like unlearning things. Do the same mistakes, and you’ll surely lose. Never forget the past, and it will help you live today. Remember your mistakes and remember not to do them again.'

Day #82

'You are a combination of billions. One you is enough for this world. You’ll never exist again. Make sure to live your life and leave a legacy that can change the world.'

'Leave the world without plans, ideas ghosting around. Do not let them die with you. Save your ideas and plans from those people who are stopping you. And, when I die, I’ll make the graveyard the poorest place.'

'Your idea is only yours. You have the choice to prosper it or destroy it. So before you die, make sure not to have remaining ideas. Leave this world that all of your ideas were executed.'

Day #87

"Making a mistake is great, but making the same mistake twice is worse than losing; making the same mistake three times is worse than giving up; making the same mistake four times is worse than dying; and making the same mistake more than five times is worse than hell."

"You can only lose if you do not even try."

"Don't ask for it; ask what you have to do to get it."

Day #85

Day #88

"Most of the time, you are not afraid because you might not do it, you are afraid because of others think when you didn't do it, but what do they know about failing?"


'The long-run solution to a problem is learning how to solve it. Asking for the solution will help you just for a moment. Asking to be rich is much different from asking how to be rich. Learn the long-run solution.'

Day #86

'A real loser is someone who doesn’t try at all. Be instead a failure than a loser. Others consider failure as losing, but they are wrong. With failure you can learn, but doing nothing is such a loser. Someone who is procrastinating is the best example of a loser.'

'You’re being worried of what might others thing of you. Not able to do what you really want. But, most of the time they wouldn’t even care. Do just what you want; do what makes you happy.'

'Repeating the same sin is one of the worst sins you can commit; likewise, repeating mistakes is. Learning is the way to not repeat the same mistakes. Don’t be mistaken; mistakes are great; they’ll repolish you. But repeating them is not great at all; you’ll unlearn many things.'

Day #91

"Most of the time, you don't get what you want; instead, you get what you need."

"Every challenge is a win-win situation; you either win or you learn."

"Everybody may have the same target, but their trajectory aren't."

Day #89

Day #92

"They say dream big, but they don't say do it big because you must first start small."


'Everyone has a dream; we want to be successful. What makes the difference is the process. Aim high, fly high. And, when you fail, always change your trajectory.'

Day #90

'There are so many things to win, and there's so much for you to learn. Either winning or learning, you’ll benefit something. Losing will help you to win the next fight. Winning will help you to appreciate something.'

'This is the basic unit of success. You gotta aim high, but first you must start small. Dream so big that it reaches the sun. Start so small that you’ll learn every atom.'

'Most of the time you got what you didn’t want. You get what you need to get what you want. Appreciate the things you receive. For everything God gives you will prosper you.'

Day #95

"Learn how to dream, learn how to do it, learn how to appreciate it."

"I'd rather fail 1000 times than plan 100 times."

"It is always better to rise than to sleep at 1AM."

Day #93

Day #96

"The human race is always about learning the world."


'Most of the time resting and sleeping is useless. While others are working, you’re sleeping. It is better to wake up too early than to sleep too late. Don’t waste your time by sleeping.'

Day #94

'It is always better to fail than to plan. Planning and preparing aren’t part of starting. When you fail, you’ll learn and be better. After you fail, that’s the time when you can plan.'

'Your goal is to learn. Because if you know everything, you can do anything. Learn everything; learn how to live. This world is still learning itself.'

'If you know how to aim, you can do a bullseye. How great it is that we all know how to dream. No one can be able to stop us. We can protect it, nurture it, and make it come true.'

Day #99

"It doesn't matter how much time you spend to do it, rather, what matters is how many times you took to do it."

"Failure is a signal that there is more for you to learn."

"Stop entertaining your distractions, ignore and they will soon fade away."

Day #97

Day #100

"Wisdom is only for those who wants it."


'You cannot fight a distraction; it's impossible. You can only ignore it. The more you entertain them, the more will come and the harder it will be to ignore. The moment you noticed a distraction, ignore it immediately.'

Day #98

'Such a simple and universal quote. If you still fail, it means there's something to improve. There's still something you don’t understand. Failing means you’re not yet ready, not yet qualified for achievement.'

'You cannot learn if you don’t want to. Being forced to learn will not help you to understand the lesson. Learning every day and still not understanding the lesson means the lesson isn’t for you. Learn how to pick your lesson and your work.'

'Quality will always beat quantity. It’s about how much intensity you're putting on. Lifting 50 kg 10 times is better than lifting 1 kg even a thousand times. But always make the process possible.'

Day #103

"There is no such time to waste time."

"Being judged is great; it means that they noticed something you did that was different from them. You are not as common as them."

"Not being good at something doesn't mean you're not good at something else."

Day #101

Day #104

"Don't waste such time, for time is even rarer than gold."


'We are all good at something, but we cannot be good at everything. You're good at basketball and not at football, so do basketball. But what makes you great at basketball? Are you tall, smart, a playmaker, or a defender?'

Day #102

'Be judge, be noticed. Common people will judge the uncommon, the ordinary will judge the extraordinary. When you neither win or fail they will judge. Losers judges the failures and winners.'

'You can lose your gold, then just make money to buy gold again. But you can't make more time. You can only not waste it. Learn how to not waste time on planning; learn how to not repeat those mistakes that will waste your time.'

'You have to keep moving. You have no remaining time to waste. Spending time with others could even be better than wasting your time with them. Spend your time on making progress.'

Day #107

"Once you learn how to live, that's when life begins."

"How will you succeed if you don't do succeeding?"

"I just realized that schools really teach the wrong things. The teachers are great; I can learn from them, but the lessons are taught to the wrong people."

Day #105

Day #108

"Make someone laugh without making fun of yourself or someone else."


'I'm at school, and I watch my classmates suffer from what they are not good at. School teachings are universal. They teach what we don't need to learn yet. Someone is good at math and bad at PE and vice versa. My advice: Pick one career, a hobby that you're good at, and master it.'

Day #106

'You can only succeed when you win through those painful workouts, staying up late to learn, suffering from progress. When you fight yourself to do it or don't do it, and you win and do it every day, you will succeed. Without succeeding, without doing it, you'll never succeed. To succeed, you just need to do it.'

'Make someone laugh by succeeding at something. Make them laugh by just being happy for you. This is the most natural way to laugh, just being happy. Be happy for you are living; be happy for you lived.'

'Life also includes struggles, pain, and problems. Once you learn how to deal with those, you will experience life. Let that pain be your reason not to have them again. Learn to live in struggle, and you will learn how to live.'

Day #111

"Suicide is the most Darwin award."

"Be suffered from improvements rather than from punishments."

"Love is not changing what it once."

Day #109

Day #112

"The only difference between winners and losers is their process.


'Once you love someone, don't change them from what they were. Love them from what they are. Love is also patient and trusting. Waiting for someone that you trust to come to you and not changing your mind to leave them is just love.'

Day #110

'Pain for improvement will soon go away. But pain from regrets will last forever. Forging metal can make it as a sword. But, staying as a metal will not make you your greatest form.'

'Your process is what makes your progress move. And progress gives results. Process is what makes winners winners and losers losers. Winners do their process whatever it takes; losers do their process when it takes them to do it.'

'The dumbest way to die is suicide. Escaping from a problem will always be the worst solution. Confront the problem, and learn it first. Learn the problems, and learn how to solve them.'

Day #115

"Failing is such a privilege."

"You only want attentions."

"Bullies will teach you so many things."

Day #113

Day #116

"It is only impossible when no one is doing it."


'Bullies will help you not to be like them. They'll teach so many bad things that you shouldn't do. Ignore them, and like distractions, they will find another to bully. Fighting them will just waste your time.'

Day #114

'The reason why kids make a mess with their parents is because they want attention. Even a person who avoids attention still wants attention; he gets attention by simply hiding himself, and the curious people will talk about him. My question: Why do you want to be famous?'

'Nothing is impossible. You can do anything you want. God gave the free will to do anything. You will fail along the way, and it will help you to go the right way.'

'You must be proud of yourself after you fail and learn. But you should be ashamed of yourself after you fail and repeat it. Failing will not bury, it will plant you. Failing is winning.'

Day #119

"Your life is yours to live."

"Get results by making progress, make progress by focusing on the process."

"Have peace by enjoying the moment."

Day #117

Day #120

"Hidden arts are nothing."


'Don't think about the past; don't worry about the future. Just enjoy the present. Because soon enough the present will become past, and the future will be present. Focus on the present and you will have peace.'

Day #118

'The process is doing the work. You want muscles, everytime you workout you're doing the process. And everyday you make progress. By the end of the month you'll get results. Focus on the process, focus on every rep and you'll get results.'

'Not shown talents are useless. Do not be ashamed of your talents; they are yours. And, if it is embarrassing to show, you must learn how to use it. Learn how to show it to the world.'

'Do not live in someone's life. You have your own life; it was given to you to live. Live the life you want; no one can stop you but yourself. Be free; do not be enslaved.'

Day #123

"Trust anyone and you will die."

"School teachers are programmed to program students."

"Even the word 'useless' does not define itself."

Day #121

Day #124

"Every morning, I say to myself, 'I still can do it."


'Maybe something is useless for you, but that something is important to someone. Nothing and no one is useless. Everything has a reason and purpose to everyone.'

Day #122

'School teachers only teach what they were taught to teach you. And, they don't know how to teach you how to learn and live. If you seek wisdom more than what is taught at school, follow me. Let us learn the world; we seek wisdom; therefore, we will have it.'

'Every moment that you can do it, you can still do it. I still can do it; I will do it; I still have purpose. Motivating yourself every morning can change the whole day. Even before you sleep, give thanks for you did it.'

'You cannot trust anyone, not even yourself. For example, you trust God that you will win, but you lose. But, you must not lose your trust in God, for he knows what's good for you. And trust me in this one: God is real.'

Day #127

"Manipulate yourself to do it."

"We only fight because we don't know the problem."

"My always instinct is 'Now or Never."

Day #125

Day #128

"You can rest on the failing bed, but, never sleep on it."


'Hesitation is what makes someone dumb. He is such a fool not to take the change. And if you failed, you learned, and then you must hesitate repeating mistakes. And, learn how to hesitate temptation.'

Day #126

'Imagine if you know why he is angry; you can make him settle down. Every argument can be solved by just understanding. Learn how, why, and what makes them angry. Also learn how, why, and what makes you angry; it will help you to calm down.'

'For example, the alarm goes on while you're sleeping, and then upon turning it off, you accidentally swipe to snooze. Would you go back to sleep and wait to alarm it again? Another, you woke up after 20 mins of the alarm; would you stay asleep and settle it as a bad day? You've already failed; don't stay failing.'

'If you're not telling yourself that you must do it, you're never going to do it. I say, force yourself to do the things that will help you succeed. Even how boring it is, manipulate yourself. So, what makes you do it?'

Day #131

"Don't waste your time, to those waste theirs."

"Only listen to those who knows how to speak."

"Achieve the curious mind."

Day #129

Day #132

"Most of the time, a fighter doesn't loses by knockout rather loses by just siting down."


'A curious mind can do anything once it learns. It has a lot of questions that can only be answered by another curious mind. Have an adventure with a curious mind; you'll learn and enjoy every moment. Learn how to be curious and experience everything.'

Day #130

'Never waste your time on those who speak foolishly. Listen to those who speak wisdom. Learn how to unhear things. Listen to me, you need wisdom.'

'Most of the time, people who say it's hard don't even try at all; they will just give up already. Many people are giving up already, without even knowing how hard or how easy it is. And still today, it bothers me: Why do people fight if they will just give up? To solve this, don't fight already; analyze, learn, and practice it first.'

'You know he's wasting time, but you still waste time with him. Learn how to know who they are. Focus on yourself; be selfish with your time. If they are wasting your time, leave them.'

Day #135

"Racism is good in a bad way."

"People judge by their own perspective."

"Create it even greater than the thing you want to steal."

Day #133

Day #136

"Accept the truth, you'll go to heaven."


'The person you envy or are jealous of is probably envious or jealous of someone else. The difference will always be the process. Let's say a scientist may be jealous of someone who won a Nobel Prize; then he is even more motivated to search more. But others may do something different.'

Day #134

'How will anyone judge if all have different criteria? He's good at something; he's bad at something. Learn how to judge; learn the contestants. What are they good at?'

'Stop lying; just say the truth. It is the pleasure from lying that makes you not choose the truth. Jesus is the way, the truth. Accept the invitation for eternal life.'

'Accept it: we are all different from each other. People who are in the same tribe may have a massive difference. Even twins are not the same. It is so embarrassing for me to meet someone just like me.'

Day #139

"To learn is to learn how to learn."

"She is the best and the worst girl I have ever met."

"You repent, God forgives."

Day #137

Day #140

"Do not avoid an obstacle until you have experienced it."


'Repenting is forgiving. My saying is, God will not forgive you until you repent, until you stop the bad habit. You can ask for forgiveness after you committed your 10th crime, and still planning to do the 11th, I guess he will not forgive until the 10th is your last. And, forgiving is forgetting.'

Day #138

'I don't know what she did and didn't do to me. She built me and left me. But at least I have experienced it, how to lose somebody that I have never been with. All I did was foolish actions and got foolish results.'

'Avoiding an obstacle is just wasting such valuable time. You can only avoid an obstacle once you have gone through it. Experience the hard first, and the second will be much easier. Experience the thing that you need, and you will experience the things you want.'

'You must learn and learn how to learn. You cannot paint if you don't know how to paint. To be a painter, you must know how to paint. To paint is to know how to paint.'

Day #143

"Peace is in everything and everywhere."

"Pleasure or Pain, experience one first."

"Be surrounded by idiots, and you will compare yourself."

Day #141

Day #144

"Be formless, be unpredictable, be mysterious."


'Idiots only do things foolishly; you will compare yourself. You are much different from them. You will not be noticed by them, but you will notice yourself from them. You will be silenced by them.'

Day #142

'You cannot experience both of them at the same time; it's just logically speaking. But after you experience the first one, you will experience the other one. And it doesn't repeat; once you experience pleasure and then experience pain, you cannot experience pleasure again. My question: What are you experiencing right now?'

'Learn how to be all around. Have eyes there, have ears here. Have companions that you may trust. Have companions that you might trust.'

'Be at peace, and you will live. You are the one who is avoiding peace. All of us want peace; that is why we are fighting for peace. But my solution to have peace is to let it out, let it bloom.'

Day #147

"Be conscious, know where you are in life."

"You cannot think of nothing; you can just think of one thing."

"Go to an endless place that you can wander without boredom."

Day #145

Day #148

"There is no such as second chance."


'Find a place that you can wander all day. A place that boredom will never follow you. Every place is there to wander, to experience, to explore. Wander a place that never ends, and that is earth.'

Day #146

'I believe that you cannot actually think of nothing. You can just focus on thinking about one thing. Like your breath, heart beat then you will have peace on your mind. If I plan, I will plan that only; if I do something, I will do that something only.'

'Every new opportunity is much different from the first one. Because you have experienced it already, the challenges will be much easier. You shoot basketball and you miss; I am sure you will change your aim. The goal may be the same, but the opportunities are different.'

'Know everything; know who is with you. Be alert; learn the things around you. If they can’t command you, they will force you. Be wise; wake up.'

Day #151

"Value everything you have experienced."

"People judge by their own perspective."

"Relate your minor goals to your major goals."

Day #149

Day #152

"Know when to be selfish."


'Your second goal is to do it. Your minor goals must be related to your major goals. Minor goals must push or provide you progress for your major goals. Let's say you want to create a video game; you should learn how to program and time management.'

Day #150

'You are no one until you meet someone. You are unknown until you meet someone known. You are alone until someone comes to you. You are on your own until someone shares her life with you.'

'Know when to be kind. Do not give too much; nothing will come back to you. Yes, you have a good intention, but do they? Being fooled by no one smarter than you is proving that they are.'

'Every experience is once in a lifetime. An experienced adventure is not as much fun as the first one. Always value it; you are much more experienced than he is; you may be much smarter than he is. Take it as a treasure that every experience has different value.'

Day #155

"Every decision will decide what your life will be."

"Everyone has Free Will."

"Leave everything, and follow Jesus."

Day #153

Day #156

"Serve the master, Serve God."


'Leave, throw, or give everything that you’ve had. And follow the only one that you will be needing. Yes, you have gained every place in the world. But have you gained a place in Heaven?'

Day #154

'No one is controlling you but yourself. Break free, be free. Even God will not control you; he will not take your free will. He will command you to do the right things.'

'You say Jesus is who you follow, but why don’t you follow his commands? Do his will. Serve the Lord, your God. He gave you free will to free you, to live your life.'

'Every little thing that you do today will define your tomorrow. Do the things that will create a better tomorrow. Every decision counts on living. And live every decision you made; have no regrets.'

Day #159

"Somebody who writes is not already a writer."

"Only a dead man is an island."

"Do not care what other cares."

Day #157

Day #160

"Always distract yourself to do it."


'Why do you care what others will say about you? Even they do not care about your opinions. Be free from this, or else they can stop you. They will manipulate you if you’ll let them.'

Day #158

'Only a forgotten man is an island. He is dead; no one remembers him; no one knows him. Alone, not alone, just do not die. Leave a legacy that will be remembered.'

'Put things around you that are related to your crafts. A gardener is in his garden. A reader is in a library. A chess player may be surrounded by many chessboards in his house.'

'My philosophy is this: to really do something, you must know how to do it, or else you’re not even doing it. To jump is to define the meaning of jumping. You must know how to jump, how it is defined. Doing something other than that is different; it may not be named yet.'

Day #163

"One thing is only impossible, the things undone."

"Smile with a great reason."

"Every day changes everything."

Day #161

Day #164

"Have many connections; be all around."


'Nothing changes if nothing changes, you say, but even nothing changes something. Doing nothing all day will help others to succeed. There will be fewer fighters in the ring. It may not be a change for you, but for others it will.'

Day #162

'It is stupid to laugh for no reason. You must find a great reason to be really happy. You create it from love. Find a great reason to smile from every moment.'

'Command others to do the things you cannot do. Be busy making others do your work. Do not be alone in making your works. Train them to be like you on how you do the work.'

'While the dictionary defines impossible as cannot be done. I define it as not yet done, the things undone. The projects are not yet finished; the goal is not yet achieved. 150 years ago it was impossible to fly; now is it?'

Day #167

"This is just I wanted, such isolation."

"What’s happening today are the results from yesterday."

"Never be a fool again."

Day #165

Day #168

"That girl with the red jacket is who I like."


'I once had a crush; I know she’s too beautiful. I know that I am not worthy for her, and I still confessed to her, thinking that I have a chance. The worst thing is I assumed that she also liked me. I made a fool of myself; from there I got wise.'

Day #166

'The things that you will do today will define your tomorrow. Will procrastinate or do it? Do the things that you need to do today. And then, you will do the things you’ve always wanted tomorrow.'

'She is the reason why I can’t focus on my work. But she’s my classmate; I can’t wait to regain my focus again after the graduation. The full anthology series is for her. What I feel is that I don’t want to see her, but I still do.'

'I needed concentration, and I have received it. During your work, no one will motivate you but yourself. It is only yours; even better, the results are only yours. Focus; do not avoid the distractions; remove them.'

Day #171

"I am being surrounded by people who think that they are smarter than me."

"My teachers are out of my league, they are too smart."

"She is that beyond ineffable."

Day #169

Day #172

"She has literally everything that I want from a girl."


'I cannot say no more. She is literally beyond ineffable. No more words can describe her.'

Day #170

'My teachers think that they control the school. Which they really do, and the other students also think that they run the school. They think without them, school doesn’t exist. If you think this is right, you are a fool.'

'She defines my type. I can find many girls that look like her, but she’s beyond the charts. Every detail that I like from a girl describes her. I cannot ask anything but her, besides wisdom.'

'Do not be proud if you’re wise; that is acting foolish. I consider myself wise because I know that I know nothing. People who think that they know everything are proving themselves as fools. No one will really know everything that happens, I mean everything, not just the commonly known things.'

Day #175

"Stick yourself with a great reason."

"Always learn every day from everything."

"I am just too common for her."

Day #173

Day #176

"I will wait for her even I know she will not come."


'Today, I have learned such wisdom. She has no interest in me. I am grateful that I have learned that. It’s like I am just one of the boys that likes her.'

Day #174

'Never stop learning; learn everything you want. You can learn from everything if you’re seeking wisdom. A man that knows that he knows nothing will be given wisdom. Stay curious; choose wisdom.'

'Not me being a fool again. I will wait for her, even though I know that it's guaranteed that she will not come. I still believe in something nonsensical, like she still likes me. Why would she come to me if she doesn’t even know me?'

'Push and pull yourself from setbacks. It’s much easier when you have reason. A strong reason, I mean, like your life depends on it. Remember your reason till the end.'

Day #179

"Know the process, remember it and master it."

"God is such a great creator, look at her."

"I can, want, need, must do it."

Day #177

Day #180

"It’s my fault; I blame myself."


'I can do anything I want, need, and must do. I want to do anything I can, need, and must do. I need to do anything I can, want, and must do. I must do anything I can, want, and need to do.'

Day #178

'I have never seen an earth angel before. God made her too beautiful. It’s not possible just to ignore her. In this world, she is already somebody’s world.'

'There is no one to blame but yourself. It is your fault, nobody else's. You are the one who created this mess. You are the one who can learn from this mess.'

'Once you learn the process, you will consistently make progress. Focus more on the process; master the art. Never forget, for it is the reason that you gain results. And results can help master the process.'

Day #183

"Greatness is influence."

"I think she doesn’t even see me."

"It will be always be your responsibility."

Day #181

Day #184

"I do not forget; I just don’t remember it."


'You lost; it is your responsibility. You won; it is your responsibility. It is no one doing it but yourself. It doesn’t matter what the result is; always take responsibility if you really are the one who did it.'

Day #182

'I am unseen; I am just no one. For me she is 1 in a zillion; for her I am just 1 in a zillion. I am not noticeable yet. I am not known yet.'

'Nobody forgets. The mere fact that they are trying to forget something, the more that will remember it. Because they think about it more. Do not forget, this life is such a once-in-a-lifetime experience.'

'I want greatness. I want to influence everyone around me. I have been influenced by many greats: Jesus, Thomas Edison, and many more. It is like passing what you have done.'

Day #187

"Only when it happens will you realize what happened."

"God is love, and love is everything that is good."

"I need protein and calcium."

Day #185

Day #188

"Do not be easily influenced by other people."


'I need these. I think this is a funny quote of mine. This is free will, I can quote everything I want. I am sure you can too.'

Day #186

'God is everything that is good. God is love. God loves us. God loves us unconditionally.'

'You have your own mind, your own will. Think about it first before you act. If many people do it, will you also do it? Act on your own will.'

'You can only actually experience it once you actually experience it. You can only do it when it is what you do. You will only believe it once you see it. You can only talk when you’re speaking.'

Day #191

"Greatness is influence."

"I think she doesn’t even see me."

"It will be always be your responsibility."

Day #189

Day #192

"I do not forget; I just don’t remember it."


'You lost; it is your responsibility. You won; it is your responsibility. It is no one doing it but yourself. It doesn’t matter what the result is; always take responsibility if you really are the one who did it.'

Day #190

'I am unseen; I am just no one. For me she is 1 in a zillion; for her I am just 1 in a zillion. I am not noticeable yet. I am not known yet.'

'Nobody forgets. The mere fact that they are trying to forget something, the more that will remember it. Because they think about it more. Do not forget, this life is such a once-in-a-lifetime experience.'

'I want greatness. I want to influence everyone around me. I have been influenced by many greats: Jesus, Thomas Edison, and many more. It is like passing what you have done.'

Day #195

"Greatness is influence."

"I think she doesn’t even see me."

"It will be always be your responsibility."

Day #193

Day #196

"I do not forget; I just don’t remember it."


'You lost; it is your responsibility. You won; it is your responsibility. It is no one doing it but yourself. It doesn’t matter what the result is; always take responsibility if you really are the one who did it.'

Day #194

'I am unseen; I am just no one. For me she is 1 in a zillion; for her I am just 1 in a zillion. I am not noticeable yet. I am not known yet.'

'Nobody forgets. The mere fact that they are trying to forget something, the more that will remember it. Because they think about it more. Do not forget, this life is such a once-in-a-lifetime experience.'

'I want greatness. I want to influence everyone around me. I have been influenced by many greats: Jesus, Thomas Edison, and many more. It is like passing what you have done.'

Day #199

"Greatness is influence."

"I think she doesn’t even see me."

"It will be always be your responsibility."

Day #197

Day #200

"I do not forget; I just don’t remember it."


'You lost; it is your responsibility. You won; it is your responsibility. It is no one doing it but yourself. It doesn’t matter what the result is; always take responsibility if you really are the one who did it.'

Day #198

'I am unseen; I am just no one. For me she is 1 in a zillion; for her I am just 1 in a zillion. I am not noticeable yet. I am not known yet.'

'Nobody forgets. The mere fact that they are trying to forget something, the more that will remember it. Because they think about it more. Do not forget, this life is such a once-in-a-lifetime experience.'

'I want greatness. I want to influence everyone around me. I have been influenced by many greats: Jesus, Thomas Edison, and many more. It is like passing what you have done.'