With every LitTera of the Lord, nothing is impossible.

!ReTigma Littera

Literary Branch

Daily Littera

Reality Question

Question Anything and Everything

Released Series

'Fool' anthology series

Short Anthologies prepared by Rav Maniti

I still love you

single stanza poem by Rav Maniti


A short anthology presented by Rav Maniti.

My Fool Era happened during the first quarter of my Grade 10 year.

Another short anthology presented by Rav Maniti.

This time it happened during the 3rd quarter of my Grade 10 year.


I still love you

Every time I see you its like when I breathe

Knowing that you're the only one I need

Even It's hard to focus and forget

You're the best girl I've ever met.

First single poem,

Daily Littera

Question Anything and Everything

These questions are prepared by Rav Maniti. I know that I can help you realize reality. My favorite philosopher, Socrates, I will use his method of learning.

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